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Is your business genuinely 'sustainable'?

Probably not.

The term ‘sustainable’ is bandied around a lot in business. Unsurprisingly, because sales data proves that consumers demand it.

It might be in reference to a tree planting program, or perhaps a ‘net zero’ by 2050 target.

But these are sustainable initiatives.

They don’t mean the business itself is operating sustainably – they don’t tackle all areas of potential harm. And as awareness of greenwashing grows, consumers are increasingly sceptical.

So what does it really mean to be sustainable?

How do you become a sustainable business? (Not just one who uses the term in marketing).

Essentially, your business is sustainable if it could operate indefinitely, without damaging the environment. A sustainable business includes people too, so in Insprie’s view, that means paying a Living Wage.

Then, there’s the question of whether ‘sustainability’ is even the goal we should be striving for.

The status quo for people, the planet, and business isn’t one many of us believe is working well.

We understand that retrofitting sustainability into your existing business is a scary and potentially overwhelming subject to tackle. Let alone working towards a regenerative business model. But it’s worth it, and we can make it easier.


How we can help


Supply chain

Sustainability is absolutely about people. Sourcing genuinely sustainable, fair trade ingredients, packaging, and finished goods, through ethical and direct partnerships.



Create products that displace wasteful alternatives, with a manufacturing process and materials that don’t negatively impact the community or environment. This includes full life cycle assessment (LCA), from creation to disposal.



Whether you want to prove your product is plastic-free or become a B-Corp. Ensure that you’re actually meeting standards of sustainable operations, through rigorous third-party assessment. Certifications are essential to verify the claims you’re making to consumers and retailers, but it can be a complex field to navigate, from determining the ones you need, to actually securing them.


Communications strategy

“Sustainability” is a noisy topic. We’ll help you establish credibility and trust, stand out in a competitive market, and connect with consumers who share the same values you do. With transparent communication that documents your sustainability journey, without greenwashing or overcomplicating your messaging.


Economic viability

To create long-term positive impact, a business needs to be profitable. It’s not a dirty word – it is possible to build a business that creates positive economic, social, and environmental impact.


Regenerative business

A model that creates systematic, net-positive impact for the environment and society, addressing damage that your business hasn’t contributed to, but that needs to be solved.  


Our process


Initial assessment

This is an introductory session to learn about your business and existing practices. We want to understand your ‘why’, and the values driving your brand and team.


Goal setting

We establish key focus areas, where improvements will have the greatest impact on your overall sustainability. This is a collaborative process involving your top priorities and buy-in from your team.  


Strategy development

Breaking down the key focus areas into small, specific tasks. Prioritised with consideration to ease, importance, time and resource required. Because how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.



Follow the established plan, and utilise ongoing consulting sessions for additional support.



Regularly track and assess the progress of your sustainability initiatives, providing transparent and comprehensive updates on key performance indicators. This ensures accountability, allows for timely adjustments, and enables the celebration of milestones achieved on the journey towards a more sustainable and responsible business model.

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