Business Accelerator

We help startups scale quickly to change the world. Here's how.

Hit the ground running.

We propel a select group of established startups towards rapid and impactful growth through our Business Accelerator.

This is a limited-intake program, allowing us to invest the necessary time and focus in each successful business.

We build you a personalised roadmap of strategic and targeted guidance, support, and resources addressing the challenges and opportunities that define your journey.

We form equity partnerships and invest in your business where mutually beneficial.

Application Criteria

If you know us already, or go on to work with us, you’ll understand that we’re not particularly formal. Other than limiting the number of clients we work with at one time, we don’t really like applying ‘rules’ to potential partners. Every business is different.

We‘re always curious to meet people in the startup ecosystem. We want to learn about your business, purpose, stage, what sets you apart (you might be surprised by the number of people we mentor who can’t answer that question), and what you want help with.

Whether you introduce yourself using the form below, email us, or we meet elsewhere, these are the typical questions we’ll have for you.

Let's grow your startup.

Our accelerator program will take your startup from fledgling to success in different markets around the world. We work closely with you to equip you with everything you need to build your CPG brand and take it to the world.
How does it work?

For six to twelve months our experienced team work side-by-side with you ensuring you hit milestones like finding product market fit, building a brand that enraptures your customers, setting up your supply chain, securing funding, and creating partnerships.

Then, when you no longer need us, we cheer you on from the sidelines.

Unlike a typical accelerator, we don't work you through a pre-planned schedule that may not suit you. As we are working beside you, we do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done.


From basics like legal structure, to trademarks, supply chain, manufacturing and logistics, we check it's right and fix it if not. Idea are the easy bit, execution is the hard one. We have operations experts on the team, one who was the Chief Operating Officer for a pharmaceutical company exporting around the world, that he started from the ground up.

Brand & Marketing

Your product is nothing without a brand, and we help you build one. From the basics like understanding who your product is for, to crafting a brand and voice unique and compelling. The right brand draws your customer in, and creates raving fans. We are good at it, it's one of our favourite things to do.


To have scale, you need to go offshore. We will help you get your products on shelves of some of the biggest retail chains in the world through our connections. Other than New Zealand, we specialise in the USA, UK, Singapore, Australia, and parts of South East Asia.


Growing a CPG brand is expensive, so not only do we invest alongside you, we bring in our strategic partners to help fund your growth.


Your network is your networth right, well you will be part of our worldwide network of innovators and entrepreneurs exchanging insights, knowledge, and providing essential mutual assistance. Additionally, we will give you access to our little black book, so you can find investors, partners an suppliers that little bit easier.



With more than 40 years combined experience across private enterprises and startups, the challenges you’re facing (or those still to come) tend to be ones we’ve dealt with several times before.



We don’t compromise our values for sales or profit. It’s neither worth it or necessary with a long-term perspective. If your business isn’t viable when it operates ethically, perhaps it isn’t really viable.



We’re not formal. We’re not corporate. Good humour and the ability to laugh at oneself are qualities we look for in those we work with.



Prove your potential and Insprie may become your next investor. We will also introduce you to our partners around the world who invest alongside us.