What we do

We help you go further, faster.

Whether you're looking to enter retail, start exporting, seek funding, or build a brand that demands loyalty, we're here to help. After all, we've done it before.

We work exclusively with entrepreneurs tackling pressing environmental or social issues. We're facing monumental challenges – many caused or worsened by business. There is an urgent need for businesses that operate differently – creating both profit and positive impact.
We exist to build, support, and scale them.

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Let's grow your startup.

Our accelerator program will take your startup from fledgling to success in different markets around the world. We work closely with you to equip you with everything you need to build your CPG brand and take it to the world.
How does it work?

For six to twelve months our experienced team work side-by-side with you ensuring you hit milestones like finding product market fit, building a brand that enraptures your customers, setting up your supply chain, securing funding, and creating partnerships.

Then, when you no longer need us, we cheer you on from the sidelines.

Unlike a typical accelerator, we don't work you through a pre-planned schedule that may not suit you. As we are working beside you, we do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done.


From basics like legal structure, to trademarks, supply chain, manufacturing and logistics, we check it's right and fix it if not. Idea are the easy bit, execution is the hard one. We have operational experts on the team, one who was the Chief Operating Officer for a pharmaceutical company exporting around the world, that he started from the ground up.

Brand & Marketing

Your product is nothing without a brand, and we help you build one. From the basics like understanding who your product is for, to crafting a brand and voice unique and compelling. The right brand draws your customer in, and creates raving fans. We are good at it, it's one of our favourite things to do.


To have scale, you need to go offshore. We will help you get your products on shelves of some of the biggest retail chains in the world through our connections. Other than New Zealand, we specialise in the USA, UK, Singapore, Australia, and parts of South East Asia.


Growing a CPG brand is expensive, so not only do we invest alongside you, we bring in our strategic partners to help fund your growth.


Your network is your net worth right, well you will be part of our worldwide network of innovators and entrepreneurs exchanging insights, knowledge, and providing essential mutual assistance. Additionally, we will give you access to our little black book, so you can find investors, partners an suppliers that little bit easier.


The entrepreneurial journey is a massive undertaking. We understand that better than most. We’ve been through it all. Taking businesses from idea, launch, growth, sale, and scale – and we’re doing it again with our own new ventures.

Our suggestion to fellow businesses is simple: be discerning about advice, ensuring it comes from those who have actually done it. Corporate or academic experience is different from the hands-on reality of entrepreneurship.

Practical insights developed from actual business challenges and success have been the most useful. That’s why we use ours to help others.


We’re sharply focused on who we work with, and how we help. That’s problem-solving, purpose-driven product businesses that have the ambition to scale and take on the world.

We maximise the success of our partnered brands and their regenerative impact through our strengths in strategy, export, retail expansion, operations, brand building, and marketing.


Insprie invests in businesses that prove their ability to problem-solve and create positive impact.

However, we want to be clear – we’re not silent cheque writers. We are committed partners invested in your success and the change you aspire to make.

Our involvement extends beyond monetary support; we bring strategic insights, industry expertise, and a shared dedication to seeing your venture thrive.

If your primary goal is just funding and nothing more, we might not be the right fit.


Our latest posts

Case studies
Incrediballs is still a few months from launch, but we have thousands of people on the waitlist, a growing community of incredibally loyal fans, retailers already asking to stock the product and export markets lined up. Here's what I did.
Case studies
Private equity firms don’t build businesses. They tend to destroy them.
There's a disappointing disparity in start-up funding for women that still exists and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. How do we ensure women get the same access and opportunities? Especially when multiple aspects of marginalised identity intersect across gender, race and sexuality.