Case studies
Looking at other businesses
Case studies
Building hype for a business that doesn’t exist yet. Here's how.
Incrediballs is still a few months from launch, but we have thousands of people on the waitlist, a growing community of incredibally loyal fans, retailers already asking to stock the product and export markets lined up. Here's what I did.
Case studies
What do Red Lobster and Dick Smith have in common?
Private equity firms don’t build businesses. They tend to destroy them.
Case studies
How I would help Trade Aid.
Trade Aid is closing its 24 stores, but I reckon we can save this brand. Here are the three things I would do to help Trade Aid.
Case studies
What I would do if I was Allbirds
Allbirds is having a bad time. They have gone from a valuation of $4b (USD) in 2021, to now, less than $200m. And it all comes down to the fact they are focused on the wrong thing. Sustainability.

Case studies
The demise of Sunfed,and where the alternative meat market is going.
The latest sad news is that “chicken-free chicken” start-up Sunfed is closing its doors. So what happened?!
Case studies
The Body Shop was a pioneer in the beauty world. What went wrong?
When was the last time you thought about shopping at The Body Shop? I remember being obsessed with the brand, but I don't think I've bought a product in twenty years.